Tina's birthday is this week and of course I need to buy her a present. Seeing as I'm 1.) Broke, and 2.) Trying to save money anyways, I made the decision to make her a gift instead of buying her one. Due to her lack of common sense, there has been an ongoing joke for a few years about her ability to make colors. Sadly, she really is unaware how to make the color green from two primary colors. For a couple years now we've all said that she needs a color wheel to learn her colors. Thankfully, I have artistic ability and bought a canvas, and some paint for about $10. Her birthday present this year will be a large color wheel LOL.
So Saturday night I did nothing except paint.
Usually on a Saturday night I am out with my Four Pack, but this weekend I decided to spend some time with myself. And I found myself being proactive about making her present, so I sat my butt down, turned on Pandora and started mixing up some paint. Not like I was sitting down to paint the Mona Lisa, but I did want to enjoy myself and relax.
My whole life I've always like creating things with my hands....making jewelry painting, building, and sculpting. I've always had a joke that if you gave me a glue gun, duct tape, and zip ties, I could build you anything. Painting for me is like stress relief. And here's a secret....so isn't coloring, but I'm too embarrassed that CeeCee would catch me one night hiding in my rooming coloring in some ridiculous My Little Pony coloring book or something lol.
I begin to paint...losing myself in the brush strokes. My music plays in the background and I forget any care I may have. Along with Pandora, I have all the windows open in my apartment. The sounds of The Big City also filled my ears. Nothing could go wrong at that moment. I forgot about how stressed I've been but then started to wonder what it would be like if I wasn't alone....what it would be like to have a man around again. Is it bad that I was scared about those thoughts??
Hmm, more to think about. One thing I do know is I'm tired, and tomorrow is Monday. Time to drag my ass back to work for another 5 days. Is it Friday yet?
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