Friday, September 30, 2011

Yay....its Friday!!  On that note....I'm doing another linkup (cause they're so much fun) with Kori at Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday.

Because I live in New England, the Fall season is always one filled with warm days and cool nights.  The leaves turn red, orange, yellow and apple picking is something that everyone just had to do.  During the fall there is nothing more comfortable than a sweatshirt.  I'm sure everyone has the one sweatshirt that they just love and no matter how stained, old, or dirty it gets, it is just about broken into.  The wonderful thing about a sweatshirt is the number of styles there are and how versatile it is.  You can wear it with jeans, shorts, or the obvious choice of pajama bottoms.  Here are some of my favorite looks for a sweatshirt.

This is for sale on but I'm convinced I could totally make this myself.


This is also for sale on but this looks a bit advanced for me to make but I LOVE it.

The lace on the back of this plain sweatshirt is so pretty.

I love how just pairing this sweatshirt with a long necklace and pushing up the sleeves gives this outfit a totally different feel.

This is such a cute idea. If you click the picture it takes you to the tutorial on how to make this.

There is nothing like a sweatshirt that reps your team!!

Ok, there would be no way I would ever wear this but, I found a picture of it while looking online and just thought it was so rediculas that I had to share. It would make a great Halloween costume...if you're going as a pizza lol.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Linking Up: Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge!

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge

Ok, so for this week's Thursday post I'm going to shake things up a bit.  I usually do a PinTerest Thursday post but today I'm linking up with Amber and Neely for their Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge.  Defiantly a fun idea!  Today's topic is "Favorite Football Pastimes".

First off, being from New England I have to make the obvious comment about my beloved Patriots!  My best memory of The Pats took place on my 21st birthday.  In the summer, you're able to go to Gillette Stadium to watch the team practice in the summer and then on some days players will come to where the crowd is and sign some autographs and take pictures.  On the day I went Tom Brady (SOOO SEXYY) actually walked the perimeter of the field and quickly signed some autographs as he walked by.  By the grace of God, he signed the roster that they gave out that day.  I thought I was going to die.  To this day, it hangs framed in my living room.   Dear rest of the United States, sorry you hate New England sports teams.  You're just jealous.

I have the best mom in the world and there is nothing like the football spreads she makes for Sunday afternoon games. It's usually just me and my step-father but she loves to do it and makes all kinds dips and finger foods. I found this picture and I'll have to show her...maybe she can make it for Super Bowl.

I've always grown up loving sports and it only got more serious in high school haha. I was a cheerleader all through high school and of course we cheered all the football games. There is nothing like being right there on the sidelines for all the action not to mention my football team was one of the best in the state during those years. Memories I'll never forget!  

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I have to admit....Tuesdays have become my favorite day of the week.  Not only is today the one day a week I don't have to coach and get to sleep all day but, I get to share a video that I just can not get enough of.  I had a whole bunch of videos that I just loved this week but a sudden change of heart made me want to share this one instead.  Okay, okay.....I know I posted a trailer to a movie last week for YouTube Tuesday, but I'm posting this trailer because of the actual movie rather than the quality of the trailer.

The movie Catfish was released in 2010 but somehow the first I ever heard of it was last Thursday night.  Lucky for me, it was recently on HBO.  Side note:  If you subscribe to HBO, it doesn't seem to be playing as much anymore on TV but it is still on HBOGo.  The film is a documentary about a young man in New York, NY who starts correspondence with a family who lives in Michigan after the family's youngest daughter sends him a painting of a photo he took that became nationally syndicated.  I really do not want to say anything else because the less you know about the film, the better it is. 

I seriously think this movie was one of the best I have ever seen.  Please watch it, I'm begging you.


Monday, September 26, 2011

What a weekend...

Ya know, weekends are supposed to be relaxing right?  Oh no, not in my life.  During the week, I work all night and then coach every day.  Then the weekend comes and what do I do?  I fill it with bars, parties, and random alcohol binges.  Honestly, I don't do that all the time...except the past couple months.  And of course the bank account shows how much I've been having "too much fun".  Really though, after this weekend I realized that I'm all partied out, for a while at least...and I'm totally happy with that lol.

This weekend my best friend from high school got married.  Wow what a wedding.  I was a bridesmaid which was of course so much fun.  I don't want to sound mean, but I've been to weddings that were much more fun.  For some reason being in the wedding is just exhausting.  And of top of that, us girls got our hair and makeup done with was a TOTAL rip off.  We paid way too much for makeup and up-dos that I honestly could have done myself.  Everyone else seemed to be okay with it...I wasn't.  But what was I supposed to do?  I was not going to bitch or ruin the brides morning.  On top of that, the people who did our hair were family friends of one of the the other bridesmaids.

I have hair that you can honestly do anything with.  It stays in place and have always been told by other hair dressers that I have the best hair for up-dos. This is a picture of my hair literally right after she was done.  I can't believe I paid $55 for this hair do.

Overall though, it was of course a beautiful wedding and I loved every minute of it....after I pulled my hair up into a bun.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yes....I got bored at work the other night and made myself a cute little graphic for my PinTerest Tuesday posts.  I also make one for YouTube'll get to see that one next week.

So this week I have been into making things.  I actually revamped a pair of shoes I had for a wedding with spray paint and sparkle glitter.  I really should have taken a "before" photo because they came out soooo awesome   Here are some other things I found this week that I really would love to make

I love mexican food.  There is just something about rice, cheese, sour cream, and guacamole all put together.  Here is the link to the recipe for this picture

How cool is this???  I'm dying to make one of these for myself!

I see tea cups a saucers all the time at yard sales.  What a cute idea for a garden!

And of course to go along with my glass obsession.  Here are directions to make colored glass.  Its SO easy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

YouTube Tuesday

Due to technical difficulties this morning, I'm now doing my post tonight.  So yes, it's Tuesday and time for me to add a video that I just can't get enough of this week.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've always been obsessed with movie trailers.  I may never even see the movies but I love watching the trailers for them.  There is just something about the way someone is able to take 2 hours worth of a move, make into a 2 min clip that makes you want to see go out and see it in theaters.  Only since about 2000, trailers got rid of the voice know the "movie guy" that would talk during a trailer to describe the movie.  Now music is just used with clips from the movie which I think works much better.  Music can convey a feeling and set a mood much better than some guy with a deep voice.

Hence, I spend too much time on looking at trailers when I'm bored.  I guess I'd even go as far as to say I'm kind of a movie trailer connoisseur haha. is my YouTube video today. It's a new trailer for a movie called Like Crazy.  Yes, it's very "chick flicky" and I most likely will not see the movie but, the trailer is wonderful.  The movie is about a young couple and what happens to their relationship when she she is banned from the U.S. when her visa runs out and has to return to the U.K.  Watch it and I'm sure you'll agree.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dear 17 year old me

So I saw on someone else's blog a really great post and wanted to do one like hers.  She wrote a letter to herself...when she was 17.  It was touching to read and bought me back to when I was 17 and a senior in high school.  If only we could go back in time.  Oh the things we would tell ourselves.  Do you agree?  What would you tell 17 year old you?  This is what I would say to me....

Dear 17 year old Delia,

It's September of your senior year in high school and you're freshly turned 17.  You feel on top of the nothing can bring you down.  Cherish every moment because you only get to do them once.  I know you will but take in every detail...the smell, the sounds, the feelings.  That way you can remember them for longer than someone else may.  

Take more can never have enough pictures.

When he breaks your heart, don't worry because life goes on and you will love again.  Don't give yourself to anyone no matter how confused you get....there is no rush and you'll know when you're truly ready.  It's ok to cry about it, but it's not ok to let it prevent you from getting out of bed in the morning and fearing going to school.  You're better than that and no one will ever make you feel that way ever again, because this teaches you how to not to let them.

Love every minute in your dinky 92' Geo Storm because it will crap the bed in a year.  Roll the windows down and turn on N'Sync as loud as it can go.  And save that picture of you laying on the roof of it lol.

Drama doesn't last forever so don't let it consume you.  Be nice, even when you don't want to be because it's better to look back and know you were a good person rather than a bully.  One day someone that you were nice to in high school will tell you that, and it will show you how good of a person you were then and still are now.

Love the every time you put your uniform on and go on the field, or the mat.  Live it, breathe it, and cherish. That sport has made you exactly who you are and who you will be in the future.  If only you knew how important you will be to that sport when you turn 21.

Don't worry about missing out on things others are doing this year.  You'll be in college next year (and yes you get into your #1 choice) and you'll realize that college is way better than high school.  You will end up switching colleges after Freshman year, but it will be the best decision you will ever make.

Cherish your friends because after graduation some of them will not be your friends anymore and many of them you will loose touch with.  Don't fear this though because you will meet amazing friends in college who will become your sisters.  The quote, "You meet your girlfriends in high school but you meet your bridesmaids in college," really is true.

Enjoy paying $1.00 a gallon for gas, having no debt, sleeping all day on the weekends, using your aol screen name, spending an entire paycheck on clothes without feeling guilty, watching the first season of American Idol with mom, getting ready in the morning for school with your sister, bad 90s pop music and spending 3 months off in the summer doing absolutely with no care in the world.

Every choice you make will be the right one, don't worry.  Remember, to be who you are because you will be happier that way.  Don't pressure yourself to be a certain kind of person in 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years.  In 8 years you will not be doing what you thought you would be doing, knowing who you thought you would know, and living where you thought you would live.  It's ok though because you will be happy and you will realize that life can not be just happens.


26 year old Delia

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fashion Friday

So today I'm linking up with Kori over at Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday.  Because the fall is coming, I decided to put some pictures up of some of my favorite hats.  I LOVE hats and if I'm not wearing one, I'm wearing a headband lol.  For some reason though, there is nothing like a cute comfy hat for a crisp Autumn day.

One more thing, why can't we here in the U.S. wear those awesome hats they do in the U.K.???  If you watched the royal wedding you know what i mean.  I wish it was a common thing here.  Hmmm, maybe I'll have to hit up the Kentucky Derby one day.  I think that's the only day in the states that woman get away with wearing those HUGE hats.

I know this isn't a hat, but I just had to include it. Isn't it fabulous?!

Of course I have to rep Boston :)

Scentsy Giveaway!

Everyone should go over and checkout Running Down a Dream's blog this weekend.  She is doing a Scentsy giveaway.  If you don't know what Scentsy is, its a brand of WONDERFUL frangrances.  Think Yankee Candle meets Bath and Body works.  The scents are funky and way better than just any candle.  My family swears by them.  I've put a button to the blog...just follow the directions about how to enter.

Running Down a Dream

Thursday, September 15, 2011

pinTerest Thursday

Today is again here are a few of my favorite Pinterest images from this week!

This is just so cute for a children's play room or bedroom.  I love this idea and I may just have to sneak it into my apartment somewhere.

Lately, I've starting making all different kinds of crafts using empty wine bottles. The past couple months I've figured out how to remove the bottoms off of them. I love this idea and I plan on trying it myself. It's such a cute gift!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these shoes, but only one problem....the website they are from is in the UK and they don't have my size. Guess those Brits have little feet because like none of their shoes come in a size 10 or 11. :(

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Some people I tell ya....

Can someone please explain to me why people lie just because they can?  And if they do lie, why not cover up your tracks accordingly.  

So a little over a month ago I went to a bar with some friends and met a guy. He bought me a beer for my birthday (very nice of him) and we proceeded to have some small talk, nothing more.  Now I never am one to give out my phone number so I took his instead.  I had forgotten all about it until about a week ago when I see a number in my phone with the name Chris.  I only know one other Chris and this was not his number.  Then I remembered about the RBG (Random Bar Guy) from my birthday.  It had to have been him but to make sure, I sent a quick little "Hi, who is this?" text.  To make a long story short it ended up being him.

Surprisingly since then we've been chatting back and fourth about a week now.  He seems very nice but my God, his life has been a Greek he tells me.  So ridiculously bad that it makes me wonder if he's making it up....looking for sympathy.  But who is crazy enough to do that.....right??   

So last night, I threw him a text just saying,"Hi," and he did not respond for about 20 minutes....which didn't bother me.  When he did text back it said, "Sorry. I left my phone at home when I left." I told him it was no biggie and proceeded to have a conversation with him.  When I asked what he was up to he then replied that he was a few towns over with his friend who's car had broken down and they were waiting for the tow truck. Now me being the detail freak that I am, realized that this did not make sense.  How could he have forgotten his phone at home when he had been stuck on the side of the road with his friend for over an hour?  Wouldn't that mean he couldn't have been able to go home and get his phone?

Now I had to call him out on it.... so I sent him,"You said you left your phone at home when you left but your not home how do you have your phone?".  He never responded....even I did the dumb girl double check text of ,"You ok?"

I imediatly laughed my ass off at him and deleted his number....don't think I'll ever hear from him again.  And I hope he loses my number.  Hopefully he actually loses it, not "leaves it at home".

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

YouTube Tuesday

Good morning everyone!  Before I do my weekly YouTube Tuesday, I have to touch on the fact that I've been a bit neglectful of my blog.  In all actuality I was just incredibly busy this weekend.  I saw many other blogs about the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and I was hesitant to do one myself.  I won't go on for long about it, and rather than go into all the political nitty-gritty details about how I feel about it I will just say this:

I am a true American.  I love my country and I think what happened on September 11th 2001 was a horrific even that took place in our country.  I was 16 when it happened and until that moment, was able to grow up knowing nothing about war, and extremists. It makes me sad to think there are young adults in this world who have never lived a life where terrorism did not exist in our vocabulary.  But, I will say that I am not one to lie down and believe everything that has been told the public about what happened that day. Am I a conspiracy theorist? No.  But, I have every right as an American to want to know the truth about what happened on my home's soil.  All it boils down too though, is that for no matter what reason....I pray that all those innocent people did not die in vain.  And no one will forget that day.

Okay then...onto the video for today:

Warning: this video does drop the F bomb....but it's hysterical LOL.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

pinTerest Thursday

Good morning!  Here are some images that I found while obsessing on the past couple days....

I grew up loving those little dots on paper strips.  Funny how I seem to be in love with cakes lately (I had a picture of one last week on pinTerest Tuesday).  This would be such a fun wedding shower cake with some kind of a candy theme.  Maybe "Love is Sweet"?

This looks like such a fun project.  It's simple and would not be messy.  Also, it would be great for kids.  I have a large glass vase so maybe I'll do this for fall.  Hmmm what colors?  Pink and gold would be really pretty.

So, like many other girls, I'm a sucker for a great quote.  In high school, one of my bedroom walls was nothing but quotes and song lyrics.  I just believe that some words, put together just right, can create an emotion.  And that is such a beautiful thing.  I'd never heard this quote before and I was surprised that Bob Marley said it....only because I know a decent amount of Bob quotes....just not this one.  I loved it so much because it reminds me that everyone is human.  Something we should never forget....even if it has to do with that guy that could never do anything right lol.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Hump day everyone!!

It's the middle of the week!!  Congrats to everyone whose made it this far LOL.  I only have a 4 day work week  this week so after tonight, I only have one more night of work left!

On that note I plan on using my day on Thursday to drive to Providence, RI and sit in line at 8am to wait until noon to see the Stanley Cup.  I'm a HUGE hockey/Boston Bruins fan so I'm dying to finally see the cup.  Since most of my friends work days, I may have to go alone which will suck but I don't care....I have to see it!!  Also, the assistant coach for the Bruins will be there with it so I'm excited to meet him.

If I'm really brave I may just beg them to let me pour a bit of water in the top of it and drink it.  Then I can die a happy soul LOL.

Here is a picture of my newest tattoo on my leg... a few inches above my ankle (I had 6 before this).  Think I'm a die hard fan?????

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

YouTube Tuesday

Yes, I'm sorry....another day with a theme.  I promise, no more after this though.....for now.   I just HAD to ad this one only because I love YouTube and I find myself finding videos on there that I wish I could share with others.  Only problem is that all my friends are sick of me adding videos on their Facebook pages 24-7.  So this is my last option.  From now on I'll be doing "YouTube Tuesdays" and "pinTerest Thursdays".  I also promise to do my best from adding a Wicked Wednesday lol.

For those of you who spend as much time online as I do, I'm sure you've been on YouTube enough times to know that ANYTHING is on that website.  Trust me, I've started with a subject like cooking and then ending up being enthralled in videos of people breaking diving boards and falling into pools.  How?  I have no idea.  It's come to the point where I've named this habit, YouTube Adventures.  Honestly, that is exactly what they are.  There have been times when I was so fixated by videos that I suddenly look at the clock only to realize that I had been sifting through videos for at least an hour.  In my defense though, I am a sports coach and I spent 60% of the time on YouTube looking at videos of other teams and learning new routines and techniques.  For as much of a distraction that website it, at least it can be used for education purposes.....when it's not being used to watch videos of those people falling into pools.

Okay is the first YouTube Tuesday video.

Freddie Mercury's Bday was Sept. 5th....he was a legend.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Delia runs on Dunkin

I don't care what kind of day or mood I'm in.....Dunkin Donuts makes everything okay.

The most perfect drink looks like this:

Medium iced coconut flavor with extra cream and Sweet N' Low = LOVE

On another quick note.....LOOK AT THESE FLOWERS!!!  They were left over from a wedding and given to my work for a decoration.  I plan I trying to steal them, take them home, and pretend a hot man sent them to me LOL.  The picture does not do them justice they are seriously at least 3 feet high.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A very bachelorette weekend....

My best friend from high school is getting married Sept. 24th and on Friday night we obviously went out on the town.  We started by eating dinner at The Renaissance at Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA.  If you live in the New England area, you HAVE to check out Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA (I've added a link below to the hotel and to Patriot Place).  Our dinner was amazing....rather pricey, but the food was excellent and the presentation was beautiful!!

So of course after our awesome food, and a large amount of alcohol we of course went to a bar within Patriot Place called Bar Louie and proceeded to drink our faces off.  Many laughs, dance moves, and embarrassing photos filled the night.  Only thing I was kind of pissed about was that NO ONE bought us drinks...not even the bride-to-be.  I don't mean that I would just expect people to spoil us but I mean no one even offered to buy a drink for the bride....THE BRIDE.  Does anyone else think that's kind of rude? LOL  Oh well, not like she needed them anyways....we racked up a bill of $200.  By the way, there were only five of us and one wasn't drinking since she was the DD.  So a $200 bill for four girls....should I be embarrassed about that?  All in all, it was a good nice considering we had to pull over three times on the way home so the bride could throw up on the side of the road.  Yup, it was pretty epic.

This was the hotel we at dinner at:

This is Patriot Place....if you're a New England Patriots fan you MUST visit!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

pinTerest Thursday

Ok I finally broke down and not only decided to do one of those "day of week" postings.  So now every Thursday I'm going to fill up a post based on my addiction to  If you don't have an addiction to it and do not want to feen a website, I highly suggest you DO NOT go there.  Especially if you enjoy cooking, crafting, or photography.

With Halloween coming, I can't wait to carve pumpkins....but I may try this.  They are so pretty!  Now if only my front steps were as pretty as the one in the picture.....

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a huge fan of anything nautical.  I love anchors especially. An anchor is a symbol of hope and I love then so much I actually got an anchor tattoo on my left ankle.  I saw this cake and almost fell over.  This is a dream for me!

Okay, I'm to talking about nautical and I had to post this other gem I found on Pinterest.  I LOVE this baby room.  The best part about it though is that Stella is what I plan on naming my first born daughter.  Stella is a family name (my grandmother's aunt's name).  If I almost fell over at the sight of the cake, then I fell on my face when I found this picture.

For my last random image today.... One of my best friends is getting married in a couple weeks so my brain has been in wedding mode.  Her bachelorette party is this weeding (which I'm sure will be a hott mess lol).  I keep finding such cute wedding picture ideas and this is the newest one.  Every picture I show he she loves and wants to recreate.  I'm sure she'll add this to the list.